A downloadable game

My submission for the Game Maker's Toolkit Game Jam 2024.

A Scale of Blue is a vertical endless runner, where quick mouse movements are necessary to stay on track and maintain the upward momentum.
Movement is controlled by simply pointing the mouse from platform to platform. Should you get off-track, don't worry! You have boosts available to redirect your fall, usable by left clicking. However, be careful not to overuse them, as you only gain one boost recharge per 20 platforms traversed.

I had a blast making this little solo project for the game jam, which is also (evidently so!) my first published game project in Godot. As such, some features have no relation to the overall theme (if there even is any!), but is rather a consequence of my playing around with the features of the engine.

I hope you have as much fun playing the game as I had making it. Enjoy!

Glow shader (Credit: Grandpa_Pit) used for multiple scenes and nodes was acquired and used under the CC0 license from  https://godotshaders.com/shader/glowing-rect-2d/
All other assets and code were made by me during the game jam. Backgrounds were made in Blender. Music and sound effects were made in Bosca Ceoil: The Blue Album. Game was made in Godot 4.2


a_scale_of_blue.zip 36 MB

Install instructions

Download .zip and unpack.
Simply launch the .exe to play.

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